In order to control the atmosphere in the furnace and maintain a certain pressure in the furnace, the working space in the atmosphere furnace must always be isolated from the outside air, try to avoid air leakage and inhalation of air, so it is required to connect the furnace shell, masonry, furnace door and all to the outside world The components, such as fans, thermocouples, radiant tubes, push-pull feeders, etc., adopt sealing devices.
Under the controllable atmosphere of the controllable atmosphere furnace, electric heating elements, etc., need to use materials with strong anti-carburization properties or add anti-carburization coatings, and try to use low-voltage power supply to avoid component carburization or furnace wall carbon deposits causing short circuit and damage to the components .v4cMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac v4cMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
The loading, discharging, quenching and slow cooling processes must be carried out under sealed conditions. Therefore, there must be a front or back chamber for loading and discharging, a closed quenching mechanism and a slow cooling chamber with controlled atmosphere. The structure of the furnace door that the atmosphere furnace communicates with the outside world should be tight, and fire sealing devices are often used when opening.v4cMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac