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Vacuum atmosphere furnace-different high temperature processes you deserve

    What Nuotai Technology brings to you today is the introduction of vacuum atmosphere furnace and the comparison with other furnaces in structure.mAMMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
The vacuum atmosphere furnace is used to produce low-carbon environmental protection and micro-carbon iron alloy and manganese metal materials, and the furnace circulation system is used. Its structure is similar to a steel-making electric arc furnace. The refining furnace is available in fixed and tiltable versions. Most of the fixed furnaces do not have a furnace cover. The products generally contain more than 0.5% carbon. Most of the inclined furnaces have a furnace cover. The carbon content of commercial products is generally less than 0.5%. The reduction furnace generally uses self-baking electrodes, and the refining furnace uses self-baking electrodes with carbon electrodes or graphite electrodes.
Vacuum atmosphere furnace
    In addition, the furnace used to maintain the whole process of recovery is called reduction furnace, and the furnace used to maintain the whole process of pyrolysis is called refining furnace. The structure of the two furnaces is different. The reduction furnace is used to melt ferrosilicon and high-carbon ferromanganese, silicon-manganese, silicon-calcium alloys, etc. The structure of the furnace and auxiliary equipment, this is a huge electric heating equipment. Continuous production reduction furnace, regular removal of slag and alloy, furnace molten pool is generally used for masonry of large carbon bricks, the furnace is cylindrical or conical.mAMMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
mAMMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
   According to the existence of the furnace shell, the furnace can be divided into closed type and open type. There is an exhaust hood above the open furnace mouth. The closed cover is made of refractory concrete and water-cooled metal components. After the furnace mouth is closed, the working conditions are good. The productivity is high and the furnace gas can be recycled, but it is not easy to operate and maintain. According to the structure of the furnace, the furnace can be divided into rotary and fixed. The bottom of the rotary furnace is equipped with rotating equipment, and the speed is 70~80h per revolution.mAMMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
mAMMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
    However, the furnace shell does not rotate, and a sand seal or water seal is applied between the furnace body and the furnace shell. The slow rotation of the furnace body can avoid charging in the upper part of the high temperature zone, so that the furnace gas can be smoothly discharged, the reaction zone expands, and the furnace temperature is uniform. The bottom of the fixed furnace is made of asbestos board, refractory insulation material, clay brick and carbon brick.
mAMMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac


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